Final Words

The Last Words

Well it’s done. We’ve started from scratch, learned a little along the way, maybe got involved enough to actually build a still, and maybe even went further.

For me, it’s been a lot of fun, a great experience, and a continuing adventure. For those of you who have traveled the entire course, I hope you are pleased with the results. More than that, I hope you get involved enough to improve on this basic apparatus and let others know about it so that they too, may profit from your experiences.

Who knows, with enough interest from those of you reading this, perhaps some of the more insensible laws of the land can be changed. And if they can be changed simply because you get involved, then you will have made a great contribution by giving everyone a bit more freedom to pursue those interests that do no harm to their neighbors.

In any case, with the apparatus you have just constructed, you will be able to isolate, and perhaps enjoy, many of the refined compounds derived from your distillation apparatus. That, for many, is reward enough.